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Secrets of a Great Artist


I started thinking about this yesterday. If I could ask one person to reveal their artistic secrets and knowledge, who would it be? I realized that I wouldn’t ask any of my favorite painters – no Sargent, no Gerome, no Bougereau. I think that I’m always […]

2017-07-10T20:20:25-06:00March 9th, 2012|Blog|0 Comments

Birds and Blimp


Zeppelins, blimps, dirigibles, or whatever you want to call them, fascinate me in the same way the Titanic always has. They conjure up old-timey images that I’ve only seen in movies and photos. I even made a painting in college with myself in a newsboy outfit standing on a shipyard in front of a bunch of […]

2017-07-10T20:20:26-06:00March 8th, 2012|Animal Silhouettes, Blog|0 Comments
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